. CLASSIFICATION CANCELLED GY AUTHORITY OF DOEOC Aes Aor? (G52. C.RLALAAWIE DATE 12-3 fast REVIEWED BY W loveA, STRAW a ISW OF THD BTO-M3DICAL PROGRAM IN (OY: Dick Kpo6r€ b6-FMorczeact0n artnncus3 PPrp ord I Ow be W, i pal General Considerations: A. Program: and well planned. The Bio-medical program is well-conceived It has minimal objectives of a »xractical nature for 1) determining biologically the quality and quantity of the radiations from a standard atomic explosion, and 2) for obtaining information of civil defense and military value. I+ hes teken into consideration the indefinsble variables of biological experimentation in the field snd is doing everything possible in the way of controlting these tests so that the difficulties inherent in eveluating the results: will be minimized. It has consistently adhered (excent for one minor concession to the Air Forces, and another to the surgeon General's office) to the basic policy of limiting the types of experimentation to these of 2 well-tested and well-understood nature in order that the test may serve to correlate what ha’ pens to animals exnosed to an atomic explosion with what is being studied in the laboratory. The biostatistical aspects of the vrogrem mey be considered to be representative of the thouzht and planning which have gone into this operation. Sven such fectors as pre-test rendomization of the animals to be sacrificed serially or to be shipped back to the States for long term study have been taken into consideration. B. Frocurement end Logistics: well under control. The animal colonies on Japtan are thriving, the large animals have been deworned and are in good condition, the effects of transoceanic flight on mouse colonies have been studied, etc.. The animal stations have besn procured and 2 near to have been Subjected to adecuate nerformance tests. DOS ARCHIVES