the filling of Cactus Crater, the concentration of 779 ***pu in

the fresh water within the crater was 0.116 + 0.062 pCi/L; the crater

sediments had a concentration of 82 + 2 pCi/g (dry weight)


1980, Table 4). These values are higher than the concentrations
measured from within the containment structure (see section 4.3).
5.3 Transuranics in the Surrounding Environment


Radionuclides in the groundwater at Runit were measured in 1975,
prior to the cleanup, by Noshkin and co-workers (1976). These measurements showed that plutonium had penetrated the groundwater to the
deepest depths measured (73 m). Dissolved za9*etp. ranged in value
from 0.01 to 0.66 pci/t and in many of the wells was found to
increase with depth. Two of the wells measured in 1975 are between
Cactus Crater and the lagoon and are very near the two wells discussed

in section 4.3.

Measured values of dissolved ?3**?* py are similar

in the two cases (between 0.08 and 0.17 pci/£L) and both show a higher
concentration in the well closer to the lagoon.
The largest quantities of transuranics at Enewetak are in the

lagoon sediments. The entire distribution of the transuranics in the
benthic environment at Enewetak has recently been reviewed by Noshkin
(1980, Table 1).

He estimates that the top 16 om of the sediments has

an inventory of 1185 Ci of 73°**** pu, 167 Ci of 22* Pu, 2190 of 2°! Pu,
and 475 Ci of 7*°*Am.

These are distributed nonuniformly with the

highest surface concentrations near the location of test sites. The
highest concentrations are in the northwest area of the lagoon where


surface activities of 73°***pu are some four times higher than off


Runit were surface activities range from 2 to 170 pCi/g (dry weight).
The vertical distribution of the transuranics within the sediment
column is highly variable from place to place (sometimes increasing
with depth) and cannot be generalized easily.
Transuranics within the water column of the lagoon show a complex
distribution, the spatial patterns being different for surface and

bottom concentrations of 73° **°*py as well as for dissolved and sus-

pended components.

In 1974 the soluble ??**?" "pu ranged in concen-

tration from 0.002 to 0.075 pci/i. The total inventory in the water
column of the lagoon in 1974 was 1.5 Ci in solution and 0.7 Ci associated with particulate material. Thus, the average quantity of
Plutonium in the water column is a small fraction of the sediment
The investigations of Noshkin and co-workers have shown that at

both Enewetak and Bikini from 75 to 94 percent of the seluble

zas+2e¢py in the lagoon water is in the oxidized state (+5 or +6)

with the remainder being in the reduced state (+3 or +4). All the
Plutonium associated with the particulate material is in the reduced
state. Noshkin (1980) believes that most of the plutonium associated
with the lagoon particulates is from resuspended sediments and is not
transported out of the lagoon. On the other hand, the dissolved
Plutonium passes readily through dialysis membranes and seems to move
without interaction with the sediment (Noshkin 1980).
The water in the lagoon is exchanged with the ocean approximately

twice a year.

Thus, about 3 Ci of dissolved *3*+?**py are removed

from the atoll each year and an equivalent quantity remobilized from
the sediments and other sources on the atoll. Noshkin has shown that


Select target paragraph3