Chapter 5

§.1 Punction of the Dome


The function of the dome is to prevent people from being exposed

to harmful.amounts of radioactivity from the debris buried within.


Practical terms, the dome will perform this function if it prevents
people from having direct physical access to the contents and if any
radionuclides exchanged between the contents and the environment do not
Before addressing how well the dome
create an unacceptable hazard.
ean be expected to fulfill these goals, certain background material

will be reviewed (sections 5.2-5.5).

5.2 Radionuclides in the Bome
‘The total amount of transuranics contained within the dome is
estimated to be 12.6 Ci (U.S. Department of Energy 1979). Measurements
of the fission product content are not available, but a crude estimate

of a maximum of 50 Ci of °*Sr and '*’Cs may be made using Atomic

Energy Commission (1973) survey data. The average transuranic content
of the material within the dome can be calculated to be about 87

pci/g, about twice the permissible soil content of 40 pCi/g for

islands designated for residential use. The average value measured
from the drilling samples from the dome was 21 pCi/g, but this does net
take account of contaminated debris that was encased in concrete in the
center "donut hole" of the dome. Similarly, the average total value

of **sr and '*’cs from the drilling samples was 29.3 pCi/g.

In addition, an estimated 380 Ci of activation and fission products
Plus an unknown amount of transuranics are contained in the fall-back
debris in the true crater bottom and in the water beneath the material
in the dome (Air Force Weapons Laboratory TR-77-242 1978). Prior to

“Direct radiation from the contents is not of concern. ° Radiation
from the fission products cannot penetrate the dome cap and have halflives of less than 30 years. External exposures from transuranics are

not significant because the principle emissions are alpha particles;

the external dose from the **'am gamma radiation is negligible for
the concentrations present in the dome.




Select target paragraph3