Enewetak —



thereby be assurred.

field trip services to Japtan, on a fairly regular


at least one,

and hopefully more,

field trips bet-

ween Ujelang and Japtan for the initial transfer of
people and materials.



The Council wishes to emphasize that they are perfectly capable
of living on Japtan without much help;

that they are resource-

ful and can survive and thrive on Japtan as it now exists.


emphatically do not want to be told that they cannot go back
to Japtan because there is no money to provide for the things
listed above.

Quite clearly this list is minimal -- under four

or five thonsanc
be available somewhere.

iad this limited amount of money must
The housing that now exists on Japtan

1S in many ways better than the existing housing at Ujelang,


and it makes little sense to argue that the return to Japtan
S irapossible
because there’ is no housing.


Select target paragraph3