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installation of six or seven water catchments, pro-

- baby fiberglass and therefore of a removable nature.

construction of one or two brackish water wells


construction of additional houses,

material gathered from Parry Tsland,

from surplus

or from used material

gathered from Parry Island, or from used material

brought from


(g) planting

Materials needed to complete


above, to be brought from

(a) adequate supply of food for at least two months
(b) carpentry tools and supplies


(c) cuttings ox seeds to be planted, especially pancanus
and breadfruit.



some livestock -- pigs and chickens


house - building materials


Support needed from either Trust Territory or Department
of Defense:

materials and/or technical help in construction

of six or seven temporary water catchments

{(b) one 20-30 -£t boat with engine, capable of carrying
building materials from Parry to Japtan
(c) generator and radio for emergency communication

with Enewetak.

Perhaps battery power is sufficient

i£ radio contact with Enewetak Isalnd facilities can

Select target paragraph3