
Oct. 15

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vided in Paragraphs (1.
-eretary shall provide é..
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P.L. 95-134

utle I and title II of said 1971 Act, for full payment of such awards: 50 USC app.
Provided, That no sums appropriated pursuant to this section may be 2019, 2020.
id on awards pursuantto title I of said 1971 Act until. subsequent
to the date of enactment of this section. the Government of Japan has Contnbution by
vided to the Government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Government of
Falands a contribution, which contribution may be in goods and serv- Japan.
jees, Which has a value as determined by the Secretary of the Interior
equivalent to not less than 50 per centumof the total awards made
ursuant to title I of said 1971 Act less 510,000.000 from suchtotal:

rovided further, That prior to making any payment on an award

che care une treatment. ¢
y relatet to the thernys.


Oct. 15

shall review such award and determine whether any portion of such

ok this Seti:

satment ~hall be assum. |

award constitutes Interest not authorized to be awarded under the said

esearch and Developnient

1971 Act and shall exclude from: his pavment such amountsas he deter-

mines constitute such interest, The Secretary’s determination of the

LARA. the Secretary <ha!

nroportion of any award which constitutes such interest and the pro-

edditional compassionate
fe mdivituals contiumune
ectly relired to radiation

to judicial review.

mtitled te receive payment

secretary of the Interior (heremafter referred to us the Secretary).
not to exceed $15,0U0.000 for a erant to the Government of Guam to
assist in typhoun renabiliration. upgrading and construction of public

he United States Coner--

portion which constituges vaiue shall be final and shall not be subject

ation referred to in para-

Sec. 201. (a) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the

tvIng -. ib payment. the

rommminities of Rangelap.

rized to be appropriated
Secretary. In conjunction

figh Commissioner of t's:
such community purpirenmunities maydirect.
ns of this section shall t«
sagainst the Unired stateon March 1, 1954.
Wing or denying anycl:am

nal and conclusive on 4:
review by anyother officisi
odamus or otherwise.

such rules and regulationprovisions of thus sectivil.

ore authorized pursuant (0
tat. 96). there are herelv
*tary of the Interior suci

judicated claims and tnul

ommission to date under

+ ee temo.
46 oReVpeeGere wre:

‘lany payments which the

teible to receive under th
atributians to the heirs ar


additional compassionate

3 or lecatees of such indavment the Secretaryshui

Government of

facilities, and maintenance of essential services.

* Bat

idividua: would have bee.
‘heirs or legatees af sur
tte Method of distributie:
demise of any individu!
or (8) -upra ais directis
erred to in paragraph (at

Award, review.

rsuant to either title I or title II of said 1971 Act, the Secretary

(b>) Funds provided under this Act may be used by Guam as its
matching share for Federal programs and services.

(c) The Government of (ruam in carrying out the purpose of this

Services and
facilities of U.S.

Act mayutilize, to the extent practicable, the available services and
facilities of agencies and instrumentalities of the United States Gov-

ernment on a reimbursable basis. Reimbursements may be credited to
the appropriation or fund which provided the services and facilities.

Agencies and instrumentalities of the United States Government may,

when practicable, make available to the Government of Guam upon

request of the Secretary such services and facilities as they are equipped

to render or furnish, and they may do so without reimbursement if

otherwise authorized by law.
(d) The Secretary mav place such stipulations as he deems appro-

priate on the use of funds appropriated pursuant to section 301(a).

Post, p. 1162.

“Sec. 2. (2)” and adding at the end thereof the following new subsection (b):
“(b) In addition to the appropriations authorized in subsection
(a). $1,000,000 is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of
the Interior to be paid to the Government of Giuam annuallyforfive
al years commencing in fiscal year 1978 to carry out the purposes
of this Act.”.


Sec. 202. Section 2 of the Guam Development Fund Act of 1968
(52 Stat. 1172: 48 Uws.C. 1425) is amended by changing “Sec. 2." to

Sec. 203, The Organic Act of Guam (64 Stat. 394) as amended (48
U.S.C. 1421 et seq.) is further amended ;

salary and

(a) by deleting from the first sentence of section 9-A(a)
everything after the words “government of Guam”: adding a
period after “Guam”; and inserting the following sentence:
Effective October 1, 1977. the salary and expenses of the Comptroiler’s office shall be paid from funds authorized to be appropropriated to the Department of the Interior.”;


48 USC 1422d.

91 STAT. 1161

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