survey found radiation levels to be meh lower than anticipated.


complete helicopter survey ammimaies confirmed the low contamination
levels encountered by the initial survey.

Several plausible reasons have

been advanced for the absence of heavy contamination.

‘The most reasonable

being that the water waves generated by the blast washed over the ‘land
areas and washed the early fallout away.

WILSON I cloud tracker was directed to make a standard E-type

search beginning at H+6 hours in a sector, true bearing 030° through 060°,

with apex on BIKINI. WILSON I wis instructed to return via UTIRIK andRONGERIX.

WILSON I reported no intensity greater than 50 mar/nre

TI flew the pattern indicated in TAB

, beginning at H+16 hours,

II encountered intensities no greater than 10 mr/hr.



Lew intensities were


encovntered throughout the flight indicating a general smearing of the
omb debris by the light and variable winds at various levels.
- ..7,

The off-atoll monitoring stations submitted radiation reports

or an hourly schedule beginning et O800M, 12 June > and continued on this
schedule through 2000M, 12 June,

No significant increase in background

radiation readings were observed at any of the off-site locations through

H+3 devs.


ab Lp


Select target paragraph3