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The Patrol Plane “nit arrived at Kwajalein on 29 August, less one air
craft delayed in connection with a testing program (Froject 6.70) for

c™ 232.1.


Task Group Liaison Activities during this period were numerous.
On 8-40-10 July the Task Grour Commander participated in a Presentation to CinCPacF1t by COTF 132 and Staff Conferences on Task Force and
Task Grow: matters with that command.



On 9-10-11 July, the Chief of Staff made visits to Commander Air

Force, P.cific Fleet, (ComAirfac), Commander Amphibious Force, Pacific

Fleet (C:mPhibPas), end visit to the USS RENDOVA on Task Group matters.
On 12 July the Staff Operations Officer attendeda conferente at los
Alamos, New Mexico, with members of CTG 132.1 Staff, on Evacuation and
other fask Force matters.

(11 21 July the Staff Assistant RadSafe Officer made a staff visit to
Ios jlamos, N.¥., continuing to San Diego and San Francisco, California,
conferring with staff members of CTG 132.1, ComMSTSPac, ComCruDesPac,
ani officials of Soripps Institute, Ia Jolla, San Diego, California,

en Task Group RedSefe matters.
The Staff logistics Officer attended a conference in San Francisco,

California, 30-31 July, held for representatives of CJTF-132, ComMSTSPac
and CTG 132.1 regarding plans for evacuation of Task Force personnel
and equipment in MSTS vessels to be assigned to the Task Group to carry
. out this Joint Task Force mission.
On 11 August the Staff Supply Officer attended a conference at Los

Alamos, N. M., held by CTG 132.1 to discuss shipment of nuclear components.

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