by afr, arriving 17 July. The Commanding Officer, in addition to re-

lieving the Commanding Cfficer of the ACAYAM as CTC 132.3 Reptesenta-

tive assumed his normal role as Commander, Service anf Harbor Control

Element (TE 132.32) which then ineluded the following Task Unite:

132.32.0 - USS OAF HITL

132.32.1 = Boat Pool

132.32.2 = Puelifig Unit
132.3225 = Underwater Betection Unit

The USS IST 836 reported for operational control at Pearl Harbor
on 4 August, representing the first unit of the Transport Flement to
report (TU 132.31.1)

The ship was directed to further report to

Commander, Rawaiian Sea Frontier (ComHawSeaPron) for movement control
in connection vith a logistic voyage to the weather station islands:

Kusaie, Majuro, Ponape and Bikini (with a stop at "niwetok before

going to Bikini), pending arrival of CTC 132.3 in the forverd area.
The SS “STES (TT 132,32.0) reported for operational control at
San Francisco, Californie on 27 August and departed on 29 August for

Arrival of the ESTES would activate the Transport Element

(TE 132.31) about mid-September.

The Destroyer Element was not activated during this perfod but
was due to report at rear] Harbor on or about 1 September as mentioned

a>ove in connection with the Convoy and Escort Element.


The Carrier Unit end the Patrol Mlane Unit were in final stages of
readiness at the end of thie reporting period and both were expected to

report in early Septerber,

The Carrier Unit (USS RENDOVA) was at San

. Francisco, California, with Task Group Command Administration embarked.

‘Glee -





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unit and 21 and 10 enlisted men, respectively, had preceeded the ship

Select target paragraph3