Boat Poo} = by the USS OAK HILL
Underwater Detection Unit = by the USS OAK HILL


' - A stuty of the availability of steward branch ratings to serve officers
messes and in caring for officers rooms in the USS ESTES, USS CURTISS,

and USS RENOVA during the evacuation period was undertaken and a letter

went to the Commanding Officers on 13 June 1952 inviting comment and recamendations,

It appears that extra men naybe regpired in these ships

to insure adequate services BEST AVAILABLE COPY


During ‘fay and June preliminary planning wes initiated for the logistic
surport of the Navy Task Group.

legistic files were set up covering

supplv and fiscal matters, shin alterations, ship repair, and various

other logistic matters.

In the middle of the MayeJune period the logistics Officer acecmpanied
the Task Group Commander and other members of the Staff on a trip to the
Forward Area.

The trip included @ stopover in Hlawait where staff confer~

ences were held with CinCPac/CinCPacFit and ConServPac. Much was accome
‘plished in these and other conferences tn KWAJALEIN and ENIWETOK in discussing logistics requirements for the forthcoming operation. Drafts

“of legiaties annexes to Task Group Operation Plan (No. 1-52) were reviewed
in these conferences.

On return from the trip these OpPlan annexes were

completed and issued with the completed Operation Plan of 6 June.

Legistiec group of annexes prapared by the N-4, section included the



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