Since the great percentage of naval forces and material committed to IVY

consis‘ed of commissioned ships, commissioned air units, and in service craft,
assigved from the facific Fleet, material disposition problems were conc] vied
in general with the return of operational control of the shin or unit concerned
to tas appropriate type commander of the Pacific Flect.
In connection with rolleup action, the Navy Task Group vas directed to
trenefer to "olmes and Narwar Corporation, the forward area contractor for the
“2, the following craft:

1 LCU and 6 ICMs.

Holmes and Narver Corporation had requested permission from CJTF 132 by
Jetter to exchange the aforementioned creft with the Navy and to return two

YC barges (YC-950 and 989) that were no longer required.

In order to prevent

duplication of shipping actions and to conserve deck loading space in Task
Force shipping, which was needed for the return of some 33 large van trailers,
CUTF 132 and ComTaskGroup 132.3 recommended to the Chief of Yaval Operations
that the Navy Task Group provide craft from their boat pool in the forward

This was approved and the necessary action taken as follows:


by the Navy on a loan basis to Holmes” and Narver Corporation (ATC Contractors)
under provisions of CpXav Inatruction 4000.10:

ICU 764, and ICIs Nos. 029979,

C46971, C48911, C28694, C4803], C52811. Holmes and Narver returned to the
Navy the following craft for inspection by Board of Inspection and Survey and
determina!ion of disposition under provisions of OpNav Instruction 4000.19:

LOU 716 and LCMs Nos. C48854, C48878, C49003, C5121), C51816, 053894.



Select target paragraph3