

Following theMIX? “vent and after reentry of the Atoll, ships of the
Task Group were authorized to resume granting liberty to "niwetok on 3 November

JAPTAN ISLAND was declared free of radioactivity ani was reopened for

swimming parties from individual ships on 4 November.

On the following day it

was declared open for zencral recreation but the facilities prior MIKE could
not be reestablished.

Ship or unit beer parties or athletic parties in

supervised groups were encouraged with the svimning beaches open for general
use under tho supervision of a Shore Patrol Officer and detailed life guards.
Except for individual ship operations amd closing of Japtan during the
KING Event, Liberty and recraation parties continued on a daily basis uatil
all ships had departed the Forward Area.

A final report of the cveration of the Task Group Recreation Facility on

Japtan Island was submitted to the Task Group Cormander dated 29 lovember 1952

(CO USS ESTFS (AGC-12) Serial 01¢9).
The report included the following information’



(a) The facility wes in full operation for 30 days, 27 September to
26 October, except for 2 days reserved for exclusive use of onc ship for ship's


(b) A total of 8270 man-days of recreation was furnished (slightly
under 300 per day).


(co) Sales of besr, soft drinks and other confections totaled

A profit of $2,484.00 was realized, of which 2,000.00 was distri-

buted to the recrwation funds of the ton ships participating in the establich-

ment of the facility, the remaining #484.00 turned into the Task Group Commander.

Select target paragraph3