designated n3 the activity to support and train the unit.

Rotation and other

losses of p2rgonnel will require replacements in time for the unit to be
operating »"y 1 May.

Bulers issued orders to the officers of the Boat Pool

to report to PhibTraPac on arrival of the USS OAK HIJI in the United States.
Trans7er of the enlisted personnel from the CAY HILL to FhibTraPas was scheduled
for ac.omplishment on arrival of the ship at ban Diego about 15 December.

An arrangement similar to thot for the Roat Pgol wags evolved for tho
Underwater Detecti n Unit, approved by OpNav on 24 November (by dispatch DTG

BuPers issued orders to the Officer in Charge t= rerort to PhibTraFac

on arrival of the OAF ITI in the nited States, The en!isted personne] will
be transferred at the same time.


BuFers ordsrs to officers of these units d_rected their personne) account—

ing be with 'eadquarters JTF 132,

This would indicate a move toward consolida~

tion of all Navy personnel allowances set uc for the. Joint Task_Force in one
central accounting.

For IVY, the Task Croup had one allowance each for officers

and enlisted personnel subdividing each of them into units:
Allowance), Boat Pool: and Underwater Detection Unit.

Steff (Flag

For CASTIE it has been

recommended that separate allowances. be issusd for each of these units, with
an add‘tional unit (Flag Allowance) for the flagship, when designated; the
personnel to be

provided from the fleet by the time the flagship is required
The Flag Allowance of enlisted personnel for the Washington Office,

would be detailed to tha flagship on temporary duty, without transfer of personnel accounting.

This rrecedure can be Pollowed whether the allowance is

varried by FRNC for ComTaekCroup 132.3 or for "leadquarters JTF 132.



Select target paragraph3