
AEC noted that the location and removal of non-contaminated debris

should not be separated from location and removal of contaminated
debris, A pre-cleanup survey covering both radiological and engineering

aspects would be required and tentatively was being planned for late


AEC would fund the radiological aspects of this pre-cleanup survey,
the conduct of any other radiological survey activity that might be
required to understand conditions in the environment as they relate to
exposures of people and develapments of standards, and the conduct of
periodic follow-up radiological surveys that take place after cleanup.
If later field and or laboratory work is done by AEC in support of

cleanup, AEC should be reimbursed by DOD.

DOD would be responsible for funding the engineering portions of the
pre-cleanup survey and those monitoring and survey activities that
are required to support cleanup operations and to insure safety of
personnel involved in cleanup activities. DOD also would fund the
later cleanup of beth radiological and non-radiological activities.
Interior would be responsible for funding rehabilitation costs once
cleanup completed.
For the benefit of Mr. Cardwell from OMB, Interior proposed that
appropriations for both cleanup and rehabilitation be separate and
not included in overall ceilings.





Your proposal is heard but there is no way to give you any reaction
on that today.
--Environmental Impact Statement

If DOD is going to fund the major part of the Government's efforts in

returning the atoll, then DOD should be the one to prepare the environ-

mental impact statement.


This was agreed upon.

Working Group
Suggest we set up a formal working group to serve as a focus on —

various problems,

Certainly should include AEC, DOD and- Interior.


Select target paragraph3