

Read from joint statement -- "These tests will in no way interfere
with an early commencement of the rehabilitation process and will

be completed by the end of 1973."

Comments on recent meeting with local leaders and Micronesian Legal
Service by Mr. Peter Coleman, Deputy High Commissioner.

We have had meetings with the Eniwetokese and their lawyers.

The return to Eniwetok is a strong emotional issue with the people.
They feel it is time for them to go back home. Background -- the
Marshallese: look at land in a different way. Land is very important
to them. Consequently, the people have expressed strongly their
desire to return to their own land. The people wish to send about

50 men before the end of 1973 and build temporary houses for then,

It takes a long time to rebuild a way of life and they wish -to start
as soon as possible. This is the message they asked me to convey to
you at this meeting here,


Is there any possibility of a small group returning to Japtan before
the end of 1973?

This would be subject to what has to be done. Japtan was the least
damaged of the islands and there is little that needs to be done but

the marine life still needs to be cleared and this takes time.


What structures would the Eniwetokese like to have left standing?

All those structures which could be hazardous should be removed.
Unusable warehouses could be dismantled and the people use the
material in rebuilding their homes.

Responsibilities (Funding, etc.)

Funding seems to fall into three areas -- (1) Radiological clean-up
and surveys, (2) non-radiological clean-up which would include
removal of hazardous objects and (3) finally the rehabilitation -planting of trees, building of houses, etc.

Select target paragraph3