Finally, I would like to mention that in my recent trip out to the
Trust Territory several of the local leaders from Ujilang appeared in
Saipan having been brought there by the OEO Legal Services people. I
had a meeting with them -- a meeting at which the head of the Micronesian
Legal Services and two of his people acted as spokesmen for the group.
Their principle demands were a request to return to the island of
Japtan as quickly as possible and the other was further compensation

for the Ujilang people primarily with respect to the three islands which .

disappeared during the nuclear tests with further damage to several others.
Subsequent to that meeting Mr, Coleman had another meeting with the same
group at which more specifics were brought forward on their desire to
return to the island of Japtan,
I should mention that Deputy High Commissioner Peter Coleman is here
today having just come from Saipan for this meeting. Many of you may
know him. On my right is John deYoung, my action officer for Eniwetok.
I think it might be helpful at this time to go around the table and
have everyone introduce himself.
(Introductions were made -- a list of attendees is attached).
II, Presentations

DOD Status Report -- Mr. Futrall of Defense Nuclear Agency
First, we would like to tell you about some of the actions and
thinking we have done in DNA in response to Secretary Nutter's letter.
of 17 July to our Director and also give you an overall picture of
the geography of Eniwetok and preliminary surveys and specific
matters which have come to mind which, at some point, will require
resolution and also to express some of the objectives that this
interagency conference. might achieve.
--The general location of Eniwetok Islands.
--The atoll chain consisting of about 43 separate islands. The U.S.
Government in 1946 began the resettlement of 136 Eniwetokese from —
this atoll chain to the Ujilang chain while preparing to use

Eniwetok for nuclear weapons research.

Between 1946 and 1958 more

than 30 nuclear tests were made in the area near Eniwetok. This
was brought to a halt by the signing of the Limited Nuclear Test
Ban Treaty Nov. 1, 1958. Until 1969 this island chain. was used as
an impact and scoring area for IBMs launched from Vandenberg Air
Force BaSPe




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