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I mention this

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return of Eniwetok; and our desire to make as rapid progress as possible
in the clean-up and the return of the atoll by the target date, the end
of 1973. For your information, too, the only public statement -- official
statement -- we have made on Eniwetok was the basic joint statement
by Ambassador Haydn Williams and High Commissioner Edward E. Johnston
announcing the decision of DOD to return the atoll at the end of 1973.
As you know this was put out on April 18, 1972 in Saipan and the principle
paragraphs here are as follows:
"I am therefore authorized to announce that the U.S. Government is
prepared to release legally the antire atoll to the Trust Territory

Government at the end of 1973, subject to retention of some minor
residual rights.

"Prior to the actual resettlement of the atoll, it will be necessary
to carry out the same type of survey, clean-up and rehabilitation

procedures that have been utilized for Bikini Atoll.

As in Bikini,

the schedule for resettlement will depend on the results of the

Survey and the pace of the rehabilitation program,

will be drawn up as soon as practicable.

This schedule


"As an initial step the United States plans to commence the survey
of the atoll probably late this summer. The clean-up and rehabilitation of the three islands -- Parry, Japtan and Aniyaanii -- in the
southeastern part of the atoll, will receive first priority.
"The Trust Territory Government looks forward to working with the

people of Eniwetok on the actual planning of the rehabilitation and
return of the atoll."

This is the public statement which sets the framework for the return
of Eniwetok,

I think all of us who have had or do have an interest at one time

or another in Eniwetok have been feeling that we needed to get together
to at least sort out the problems and try to make sure we are all on the
same wave length as we move forward.



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