Mejit people eat a lot more local food, so that the consumption of the
local foods is much higher in the diet used on Mejit than the one we use on
Utrik, and, therefore, that makes it look the same when you predict the
number of cancers.

If, if we actually use the same diet and made the calculations on

the same diet at both atolls, then Mejit would be less than Utrik.

It's because the Brookhaven diet, the information we have from

the Brookhaven people on their diet, says that there are more imported
; foods used at Utrik than at Mejit.

In other words there are more local

foods at Mejit and that's why it makes that look the same.
(Buck to Robison:

Make it look the same?)

(Robison to Buck:

Well, we are saying that they're similar.

Say similar!

It's very hard to distinguish between those two numbers.)

(Buck to Robison: _I am afraid that's what's misunderstood. )
(Robison to Buck:

It looks like a big difference to them.)

(Buck to Robison:

Yeh, looks like a big difference. }

(Bair to Robison:

Bill, it shows on page B-3, it shows the soil

concentrations. )

If you, do you have this report everybody?

September 30.


Yeh, that's what I am saying.)


B-3 in the back.

In the back of the book.

Select target paragraph3