
I think what should be recognized is that those numbers are very

close together.

Those, those numbers are hardly distinguishable from each

If you look at the other page of numbers and look at the results in

the cancers and birth defects between the results that were predicted
between Mejit and Utrik, that the numbers are almost exactly the same.


difference between the 75 and the 100 between Utrik and Mejit is not a very
big difference.

They are both such small numbers that a very small change

in the diet can make that difference and it really is not very significant.

How would you know that a person that died a month ago, died

from. cancer (I suppose he means from radiation induced cancer) on Utrik?


There is no way that we could identify or attribute a death from

cancer to radiation.


A specific death.

How do you know that a person died of cancer?

That's the



We have no way of knowing except if there was a medical record made

at the time that the person died.

If the doctor's examination concludes

that the death was caused by cancer.


I think probably that you are aware that we have no medical

doctors on these outer islands.

So that information is not possible.


one can inform you and tell you from the perspective of a medical doctor's
diagnosis that a given individual did die of cancer.

We don't have that

verification so, how can you then predict how many might die of cancer?
And these figures say that.

These figures are not records of what has occurred.

They are

predictions based upon the best scientific knowledge that is available to
us today.

Predictions of the results of these radiation exposures to
They have nothing to do with past history or actual deaths.


are predictions of how many deaths, how many additional deaths might be
expected to occur if people live on this or that island.
cr5 IN ut

acs pi

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