

That is your purpose?

That is correct.


That is your major purpose?

That was the assignment that was given us, to do

There is no question that some of the information that we obtained

during the Wheeling survey could be used for a separate study, if one chose
to make such a study, of what that means about what was 10 years ago.


would not be as precise as what we can do about predicting toward the

But we could make some, we could draw some conclusions from what

we see today as to what was there 10 years ago.


I still feel a little confused with that information but let

“me go on to my third question.

So, now regarding the diet of Mejit and

the, specifically the foods grown in the soils at Mejit, I want to know is

there any harm to us, the population of Mejit, by our eating plants that
are grown in our own soil at our own atoll, our own island?


The doses that we’estimate and that are on the sheets and in the

pamphlets we have, are based upon the Brookhaven diet and those are fairly
high amounts of intakes of coconuts, and the doses we predict for Mejit are
no higher, the total dose we predict on Mejit, are no higher than what most

other people in the world live in and get exposed to, in fact, less than
this food?

My question is will we have any harm result from our eating
Will we have harm come to us or not?

Bair: You should not have any harm come to you from eating the food from

If you look at the table you will see that the highest amount that

anybody on the, on Mejit would receive in one year is 100 mrems.

All over

the world the governments are prepared to allow their people to have as
much as 500 mrem per year.

all over the world.

That's a radiation standard that is accepted

So you see that even the highest person, which is...,

the highest person would only receive 100 mrem.

would be allowed in all countries of the world.


This is one-fifth of what

Select target paragraph3