
Thank you.

I have a few questions.

Because of the survey, my

first question deals with the fact that the Wheeling, U.S.S. Wheeling, came

in 1978 and you are saying that by coming and surveying our island at that
year, you are able to predict how it is going to be for the next 30 years
and you can say that with fair accuracy and you claim to know more about
that than you do about the preceding 30 years?

You can do that kind

of..., this information, you are able to talk about, which is not yet here
on the basis of that survey, better than what preceded that?


That's correct.

“Buck: The years preceding...?

(Oh, all right.)

I would like to say, with 1978 as a starting point, you are

-moving forward and say that you can give information regarding that time

slot and are not giving information about the time slots preceding ‘78 back
to the time of the bomb tests?
" Ray:

That interval?

Our purpose in this survey was to make those predictions and so this

survey is, was an attempt to learn everything that we could about each of
the atolls, Mejit included, starting at that time.

Had we taken a

different, had a different purpose, to write a history about what had
happened before, we would have done a completely different thing.

And we

are not reporting on that now, we are reporting on this survey.

When the Wheeling did come, you gathered samples of soil

which had in-it residue from something that happened prior.

You took

samples of pig and chicken and even blood samples of people and that is

all, it seems to me, a record of something that happened rather than your
data is gathered by something that precedes that year, and yet you are not
- talking about that, you are talking about the future.


Is that accurate?

That's correct.

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