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Chapter Eighie

the United States began negotiations with Miotonestons Goo deter

mine the fucure political status of the islands. Le appears chac Mi
cronesta will eventually choose between two alternatives: a Micro
hesian nation joined in free association with the Urited States or

independence. Although no final agreements have been reached,
it appears thac under the firse alternative, Micronesia would be

self-governing in internal affairs. The United States would pro
vide financial support and manage intertiaconal albus.

din return,

Micronesian hands would be available co che United: States for che
development of miliary bases atid seratepic facilites (Werk and
Baker 1970:168). An independent state, however, would have no
guarantees Of cCOnONE asstsGance.
While the fucure politcal status of the Prost Pertery ton

cerca, there ts hitle doube chat the wot coo distant fotie
Micronestans will assume the responsibility of managing at lease
their owa domestic affairs.

When this occurs, the American aon

cies upon which the Bikinians have become so dependent will be
withdrawn from che ishinds. ‘Phere is no reason to assume that a

newly formed Micronesian governmenc will feel obliped to cake

on responsibilicy for che Bikinians’ welfare and continued cohabit

tation Of Bikini Acoll. “Phe Bikini situation is viewed asa prob
lem thac Americans have created and for whale Americans ace en
trcly responsible. At the same tine, the Bikinians dave no tony
term comnmneament from the United States, and they aay be forced
to fall back upon themselves.

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