The Kilt Devetopment Project

votes in the 1948 piebiscize had been miscounted had now veen
transtormec: some individuals contendea zhat tne Americans nad

deliberately rigged the entire affair.

Summary and Analysis
The Kili Development Project had tew of the consequences
chat the Americans had intended. The Bikinians committed themselves to developing Kili’s agricultural potential only when they
nad little sone of another relocation and when their efforcs were
cuided by cutside supervision. What nad deen accomplished dur-


ing the protect was negated bv damage and discouragement from

Natural disasters, tne withdrawal ot sucemisory personnel. and the
islanders continuing sesire to return tz Bikim: or to be resettled
The administration initiated the protect as an attempt to
help the People achieve a satisfactory acistment to their new

home and 5 ena problems that nad resuited from their reloca-

cons. At the same time ifs clear tnat curing the latter part of
che project. ‘he administration was responding to the threat of
embarrassment and pressure exerted by tne United Nations Trusteeship Council. The administration had !:ttle alrernative burt to
mobilize :ne etfort reauired for the tuitulment of commitments .
made to tne United Nations. The Amer:can ettort to assist the


Bikinians was thus large!v a consequence of external forces as it

was in tne earlier period at Rongertk.
The Kili Deveropment Prowect aiso s2:ntorced the Bikinians:
motion that tne United States shouid assume the responsibility
tor their welfare and naa the resources :o do so. The provision


ot manpower and other resources required by the project (vessels.
radio equipment. housing at Jaluit. erc. served as further demon-

stration of what the Americans could do when they desired. Other welfare measures implemented after the project's termination.
the Bikinians’ experiences at Kwajalein. and their awareness of

the United States missile end space technologyrepresentedstill
more dramatic evidence of the magnitude of American power and
resources. and reaffirmed the Bikinians’ earlier conclusion that it
was to their advantage to attach themseives firmly to the Americans.

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