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The Kili

Development Project

manager. had two assistants: a man from Kusaie in che Eastern

Carolines wno was a taro specialist and a Marshallese woman
skilled as a handicrat: instructor.
Milne soon aeveiopes a good personal relationship with Juda
who encouraged his people to work with the project team. In cooperation with the council. Milne organized. scheduled. and supervised work activities. Taro. banana. pandanus. breadfruit. papaya.
and sweet potato cuttings were imported from Kusaie Island and
Ebon and Jaluir Atolls. Men were organized into work teams and

began to develop the caro swamp. Milne and the Kusaien taught
them how to plant. mulch. and care for unfamiliar crops. The

most productive methods of coconut palm cultivation were also

introduced: the Bikinians were instructed in the reasons and neces-

sity for keeping tne groves free of brush. and thev learned why
the proper spacing of trees ensured a maximalyield.
Within five months. substantial progress was evident. The




The immediate conseauence ot the land division—that each
of the bumi began is clear 1s land and produce copra—was pre‘cisely what the administration had desired. The islanders’ response
also heiped to Jauncn the Kili Development Project on a positive
course. As definec Sv the Americans. the project's goals were to:
1} clear the coconut groves of brush and increase copra production: (2) provide :nstruction in agricultural techniques: (3) stimulate the production and sale of handicratt: and (4) develop a cooperative to managce trading operations. Mr. Milne. the project


Launching tre Provect

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