Yhe Kalb Resecthement

Chapter Five

none ofthe large contingent of Bikinians at Athnplablib were
drawn to Keli.
Other factors, however, appear co have been tnportant i
establishing the increased number of houschotds. None of the
three pairs of brothers who had formed jont stbling daravities at
Bikini reestablished common households at Kili. Other new
houscholds were established by Lokwiar's son who bad founerty
resided with his father, and by two males who had resided) wath
houscholds headed by cheir wives’ athers.! In the past, these
men had had no alternative but co affthace with the lrousehold
of one of the ulab since the latter bad controlled all Pond


dential choices, however, were no longer constramed by consid
erations of land rights, and the creation of these new hrouselialas

further eroded the traditional auchority of the several ada

Changes in residential alignments were also a major factor

in the rise to a position of greater importance by Juda’. second
in command, alub B, the head of the second ranking typnik line

age. Ac Bikini he had been subordinate to Juda for reasons of
residence and lineage rank. On Bikini, the households of alab i

saan recopuized as Che district's lreadian.

Plereatter, lhe tay be

referred tooas the Jitoen headman.

Juda headed his own Jitaken distrtce and renmaiied in be.

dual capacity as chick and asapistiate,

bbe Comtimcal Gor Futrne tres

wy the compnanity ys principal spokesman with ooeesedeas, aired cn

1949, he was summoned by the administration to represent the
Bikinians ot a conference of atoll magistrates ac che clisteiet cen
terat Majguro. By che following year, there was evidence thie he
was secure tn his positon as the head of che commntunity; be we

clected by lis fellows to represent theme in the newly createed

Marstiell belanas Congress.
The other twoomen who had parmed mnportanee frome chou

roles an the relocations condmucd to be protament ia comaraatty

athans. During the initial years on Kili, Lokwiar's son tenaned
in the office of council scatbe. Afterwards, he voluntarily coli

quished the position, and the Makaaliey alab MP was elected to
All the post. Lokwiar’s son remained a aan of considerable ti
flucnee, however; his houschold was in Juda’s Jitaken districe,
and he served the chief as confidant and advisor.

and Juda were in che same district and section, (see Chapter Pour

and Map 5, pape 69) and he had been subordmate to pada in cb
trict, secuion, and community affairs. tn addition to the prow
nence he had pamed because of his role in the surveys of pro
posed relocation sites, alab had emerged as an ieportant lp
ure in Rongerik overseeing part of che communal discibution
system. With che Kili resettlement, he further cohanced his po
SIMON in COMMUNICY affairs. During the construction of the vil
lage, Juda cook the first dwelling completed in fituken, where
Lokwiar was also piven housing.

facer, alab Bowas established in

Jitoen. As the lughest ranking [fjirik male and foda’s hea appar
ent, as well as on the strength of his forcetul personality, le was
j As described
Chapter Four,
the younger brother of abil had estab
lished his own huuschold at Rongecik. The other two men who had for

merly resided with their elder brothers’ domestic groups and became house

The ktrst Five Years
The communal organizadon that had developed at Morpeth

contnued tar the firse five and one hall years on Kali This sy.
tem was advantageous when concentrated eflort was required: bet
the construction of the village. Afterwards, two or thiee days a
week were set aside for communal labor. The council inet on

these mornings and divided all able bodied men into groups for
Clearing biush from the groves, opening trails, weediag the tare

swamp, anid planting pandanus and breadhiuit. Copra making,

when scheduled, proceeded throughout the week nd was net
limited to communal workdays. At the urging ol Che aebigiitna
con, the lone Bikinian who had long resided on Ebon Atoll ve

turned fo the community Co instruct the people tothe ceclumgi

for drying copra in the wetter southern islands. °

hokd heads on Kili were younger brothers of alub Laud KR. ‘The two mates
who had resided in households headed by their wives’ fathers were ane of

2 The Marshall Islands Congress began in 1950 as a largely advisory Denby

Map 7.


alab L's sons and one of alub B's niaternal nephews. These are reflected in

In more recent ygars, it has assumed more legislative fun tions (see Melle:


Select target paragraph3