Chapter ‘Two

Environmental aeacl (biscorte al Seti


were included within his domain.® The chief was stronply op
yosed to the Bikinians’ choice of Ronperik; it and Ronpelab were

Kom of che village was complete” (Meade [946). Ou Match 5
the LST started out for Bikin leaving aoskeleton work force on

econnaissance by navy officials climinated Ujac because of nave
ational and beaching facilities, and Lae was considered too small

CONCTete cisterns,

art of the realy of another paramount chief Acta and sea

Rongersk to apply canvas to the tent frames and to construc

As preparations were beim made for the tshanders’ reloca

> support both its own inhabitanes and the Bikinians.?
By February 23, officials announced that they judged Rong

tion, ships began entering the Bikini lagoon to launch Operatic
Crossroads. “The operation was a military scentitt: program ol
amapnitide whieh had ao precedent. About 250 vessebs (70 6
which became targee ships), more than ESO anctole for Cranspore,

ge The provisions included canvas, prefabricated tent frames,
ooden floor plattormns, lumber, coment, corrugated metal roof

hanson, and observation, aud some 42,000 mualitary, stencbte , aad

rik che best off che three alternatives. That same day, an EST
rived at Bikint laden with supphes required to build a new vil

techincal personnel and observers were eventually tnvalved. Un
questionably, the operation was the mos thoroughly docunenc dd

ig for water catchment, carpentry and masonry tools, $0,000
illons of fresh water, and a food supply for the communiuy. At
i¢ instruction of che Americans, the Bikinians dismantled chen
wurch and council house (boch were well buile structures con

The offical records fill volumes, and coverage by the press wie
duthorized by the President off the United States, Such comeen

anus leaf thatch for transport to Rongerik. An advance party

operation pave Crossroads the quality of the spectacular (Hine.

dered worthy of removal) and prepared large quantities of pan
f twenty-cwo Bikini men and fifteen Seabees boarded the ves
J, and it departed on the evening of the day it arrived.

Rongerik was reached the following day. Vhe advance party

eared laid on the main island for a village and erected the cent
ames. Within cight days, the military government officct i
essential constite
varge of the operation reported chat the

reported, and publicized peacetime military exereinse in history

tration of attention in addition co the sheer magnitude of the

196241 $2).

The Navy Hydrographic Office survey ships Saamaer and

Kowditoh were among the first to arrive. Vhete crews consisted
of oceanographers, geologists, botanists, btolopists, and engineer.

These specialists conducted surveys of che ishinds, reef, and da
Bean, catilopued and Classified the flora ana fatina, wd


a deep water channel through che reef to the beach on che mia
Ujae Atoll has fourteen islands with a total land area of 0.72 syuace miles;
lagoonatea is about 72 square miles. In 1946, ts population numbered

ghtly over 120 people. Lae Atoll has seveereen islands with a total land

ea of 0.56 square miles and a small lagoon of less than 7 sqtiare miles. dn
46, its population was about 100 (Bryan 1972:142-145; Mason 19542205)
The naval historian, Commander Dorothy E. Richard, indicates that Wothe

toll was also recommended by the paramount chief at this time as anothes
issibility for resettlement. Richard also reports that several Kikinians were
»wn to Watho, Ujac, and Lae to inspect the atolls (1957:511). ‘Fhe offi

al report by the military government officer in charge of the relocation,
»wever, makes no mention of Wutho nor does it indicate that any of the
kinians were given the opportunity to inspect the sites proposed tor initial
settlement (Meade 1946). Richard confused the events susrounding the
mngerik relucation with chose of a later date.

An LST is a naval craft specially designed for putting ashore troops and

island to facilitate che passage of various landing craft.

As more vessels arrived, the tempo of preparatory activitie.
increased, and the Bikinians were overwhelmed by all that they
observed. Mose of the islanders received their first introduction
to motion pictures while waiting for relocation. Each evening,
movies were shown on the afterdeck of che Stammer. While ao.

certain chat they understood little of what they saw, they wei.

reported completely engrossed with such fils as a Roy Rogers
western, a Hollywood bedroom farce, and Mickey Mouse in tech

nicolor (Markwith 1946:108).

A great amount of publicity and fanfare was focused upon
the Bikinians. Much co che displeasure of the paramount chief,
Juda became known in the American press as “Kins Juda of
Bikini.” Commercial newsreel teams acrived at the acoll during
the lase week of February, and by the time a navy photoeaohs


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