




might be anticipated,

A table correlating age, sex, and ovarian and breast

tumor ineidence will be given.

Tuncra of the lung, liver, adrenal, kidney, etc., have bean observed with



regularity, butincidence of thase neoplasms bas not yet been analyzed.

Fatal glomerular degeneration of the kidney cecurred frequently at dose
levels above S00 r (Chart 7).

The lesion ts interpreted, 4n the Light of

norphologie ‘evidence (Fig. 3), aga doqenaration ‘of the Gmerviar capillary,

sonavint reawihling diabetic glomerciceclercais. T% euluinstes in
wepivosclerosis and renal failure, often with generalised arterioaclerotic

The pathogenesis of this abnormality -reseins to be denonatrateds

however, its relation to irradiation is indicated conclusively.

Large doses

of radiation have been reported to induce similar changes in the kicneys of

man and other aninals,
Regenerative changes in the adrenal gland were frequent among the

irradiated animals; they will be discussed in relation to pituitary tumors.


Select target paragraph3