An unantioipated finding was the relatively high incidence of pituitary

tuners in irradiated mice.

These were move comson in femles (Table 2), and

their frequency was roughly proportional to the dese with the exception of
doses above the LD...

thay appeared late in life, the peak incidence


ecourring 2«25 months! pestirradiation. All ‘enon fur studied tave been

steuaopiiable. Ioperinental studies indicate that moat of tnese searate
ACTH) a feu, however, have given evidence of 2oli-ssaretion.

Another unexpected and intoaresting necplag observed tn the irradiated
mice is adenoma of the darcerian, or posterior lacrynel, gland.

This growth

occurred mare commonly at low ddse levels (Table 3), pretably because of its

long Latent period (15-17 months).

it 4s a locally invasive necplass, often

obliterating the orbit, surrounding skull, and adjacent soft tiscue (Mig. 2).
Thus far no such tumors have been observed in the controls.
The frequency cof mamuary gland tumors was inereased by irradiation

(Chart 6).

‘The neoplame oocurring earliest were predominmtly adenomes and

adenocarctacass, those developing late in life sarcomas.

om earlicr

investigations a correlation between these neoplasms and tumors of the ovary



Select target paragraph3