At this point, the situation for ‘the people of Bikind
is most difficult.

Lend has a very special place in

*\arshallese society.

This is not only because it is scarce

and a critical source of sustencance, but also because —
land rights are intrinsically interwoven with, and determinative
of, Marshallese societal relationshios.

A Bikinian is essentially -

identified within his culture by his land rights.
99 52-54.

Verified Complaint,

Thus, the removal of the people of Bikini from their

atoll has nad an enormously disruotive effect upon the Bikinian
Id., 755.

In addition, the people of Bikini

society and culture.

also fa2l that same strensth of Gesire to return to their nomelaend
that any otner peocle with extreordinary closeness +5 the land
would feel.

In short, the intensity of the desire of she peosle

oF Bikini to return t+ sheir atoll 5 almost beyond she understeniing
of most cl Western man.

it tha same time, Tne veo

have long been accusinted with the invisible, yet inescapable
and agoniting threat that excessive radiation exposure poses.

Verifies Complaint, €* 80-32.
protect their health.

The seople of Bikini want to

They do not want to jeenardizs their

Finally, wnile tney want to return to Bikini 4Asoll as soon as
possibis, they also went to be able to sustain themselves there.

On the one

hant wnen, the oecorsls have an enormous desire

to return to Bikini.

oun) the petple

Houses are standing on Bikini Tsland
feovesntly desire to return 2v

ton, uichvit oxnostnn theanselves is thysical peril.


onee if thay



Select target paragraph3