Throughout all.of this, from before the first atomic tests on
July 1, 1946 up to the present day, they have constantly reiterated

their desire to return to Bikini.*

Id., 4% 52-57.

‘Richard, supra, and Kiste, The Bikinians:

See generally,

A Study In Forced

Micration (1974).
During this same period, the United States engaged in nuclear
’ testing programs which rendered Bikini Atoll uninhabitable.?


August 12, 1968, hovever, more than twenty two (22) years after
the people nad been removed from Bikini, President Lyndon B.
Johnson finally announced the conclusion that "the major islands
of the etoll are new safe for human habitation."

Complaint § 6C, Zxhibit A.


At the same time he noted that the

tasks involved in the resettlement program were "beyond the means
of the former Bikini people and of the Trust Territory Government"
and he directed the Secretary of Defense, Mr. Clark M. Clifford,
"to work with the iecretary of the Interior and the High
Commissioner of =ne Trust Territory in planning a comprehensive
resettlement oresram and to assist them in carrying it out with

all possible dispatch."




In response ic President Johnson's directive, the Departments
of Defense anc inverlor and the Atomic Energy Commission (now the

erne strong S2elings of the people of Bikini receive poignant
expression in this 3ikinian song:
Nothing can be right for me, I cannot be haopy.
As I slese on my sleeping mat and pillow, I dream
about my atoll and its beloved places.
“y dreams remind me too painfully
About all those places I used to know.
Wnen in dreams I seem to hear the sounds I once knew

Ny memories make me "Homesick."


It; is than that nostalsia overwhelms me and makes me weep
Pecause it is more than I can stand.

(Kieto, surra 111-112, .u0cting a translation from Marshallese

Drerarei cy bP.

Drucker for the naval historian Richard. )

3The first suslear explosion, "Able", part of Operation
Crossroads, octurved on June 30, 1945 (per U.S. side of the
Tnternatdonal Det> Line).
Puentyenuwo nusloir detonations Pollowed
on blidnd, the lest being the July 2¢, 2332 “Cuniper"™ shot, the
Picsle of Phase Il of Operation Yardtack.
Verified Complaint, 9 44.





Select target paragraph3