7 * eof nel arrived in the field. Preliminary hematologic ‘studies indicated that the individuals probably had not received acutely (fatal doses of radiation, The primary responsibilities within the project group were delegated as follows: Clinical observations and care —LTN. R. Shulman, MC, USN Organization and operation of laboratory-—LT R. S$. Farr, MC, USN Compilation and daily analysis of all data-—-Dr. V. P. Bond Decontamination and radiation measurement —LT (jz) R. Sharp, MSC, USN Senior Petty Olficer in charge of laboratory --P. K. Schork, HMC, USN As the clinical picture developed, a further breakdown in responsibility was necessary. Commander R. A. Conard, MC, USN, and Lt Coil L. E. Browning, MC, USA, were made responsible for a daily survey of skin lesions, and Dr. S. H. Cohn was made responsible for studying the problems concerned with the excretion of radioisotopes and the estimates of body burdens in the exposed individuals. . The project officer commends all of the professionat and technical members of the group for their excellent motivation, initiative, and voluntary long hours of extra work that were essential for the accomplishment of the clinical and research objectives, and for the rapid coltection of the preliminary data in the field. It is emphasized that the work was a cooperative endeavor in which all were mutually dependent upon each other. The willing efforts of all concerned constituted a remarkable example of team-work and sacrifice of persanal ambitions and desires for the good of the project at large. The authors wish to express their gratitude and indebtedness to Dr. Jonn C. Bugher, CAPT Van Tipton, and CDR Harry Etter; CAPT W. E. Kellum, MC, USN, and CAPT T. L. Willmon, Commanding and Executive Officers, respectively, NMRI; CAPT R. A. Hinners, USN, Director, NRDL, and CAPT A. R. Behnke, MC, USN, Associate Director, NRDL; all of whom gave unlimited support and reduced administralive procedures to a bare minimum, thus making it possible for the unit to be assembled and underway in a matter of hours, On arrival at Kwajalein, RADM RR. 8. Clarke, USN, Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Station, Kwajalein, supported Project 4.1 with all the facilities at his disposal. As a result, a laboratory and clinic was established and operating within 24 hours aller arrival of the project personnel, Project personnel also wish to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of Col C. S. Maupin, MC, USA, Field Command, AFSWP, CAPT H. H. Haight, MC, USN, Division of Military Application, AEC; Col K. Houghton, MC, USAF, Special Weapons Center; CAPT Donaid Dement, MC, USN, CINCPAC Ficet: Drs. T. L. Shipman, T. White, and P. Harris of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; Dr. Gordon Dunning, Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC, and Dr. G, V. LeRoy, University of Chicago. During all phases of the early care of the exposed tindividuals, the foregoing participated as much as their other primary duties would permit. In addition the authors wish to thank them for the extensive and complete data which they collected inthe atolls or their home laboratories and kindly furnished to the project personnel, The continuous help and cooperation of Trust Territory representatives and their aid in obtaining necessary control data on native Marshaliese al Majuro is hereby acknowledged. The authors are particularly indebted to Mr. John Tobin. His help as an interpreter and his extensive knowledge of the Marshallese language and habits were invaluable. Lieutentant J. S. Thompson, MC, USN, furnished his records on the exposed individuals decontaminated by the radiation group of the VP-29 squadron stationed at Kwajalein. The authors wish especially to express their admiration for the excellent job cone by the medical personnel of the U. S. Naval Dispensary, Kwajalein, in completing the extensive labo- en ee ree ee ee ratory exaniinations that were required to obtain a prompt initial evaluation of the severity of the radiation injury. The authors are deeply grateful to Dr. David A. Wood of the University of California Hos pital, San Francisco, and Dr. Edward L. Alpen and Miss Pat Roan of NRDL, for invaluabte aid IN Carrying out the histopathological evaluation of skin lesions. The extensive contributions of Mr. H. H. Hechter jn the statistical analyses of the data, and of Mr. C. A. Sonchaus of the SRDL in dosage calculations are gratefully acknowledged. cat 8 ag, te mee SOUS TI ie eon — YO CONFIDENTIA O ¢ pide ve « aia ree, “ th ee eeeee ee ee am A