ACOSO EL a oe "TOTAL cost~ #119,560. me wi Feet toePomaecovered withcanvas skin end fly en conarete slabs 16°x 32!, 2" thicke Walls screened om tetartor Bideg Bleotria wiring,outletsani Lightingfixturene ‘Kwood * “powired with canvas okin and fly ext gonarete alah 16''x 32', 4" thick. Walls sereened ma interiorsides Fimbing for installed aquimments Hlectrie wiring, outlets and lighting fixtures, f ae font frame covered with canvas skin end fly on concrete slab 14! x U!, 44 thick. _ on interlor olds. Electric wisingy outlets and Lighting fixhwre. . Walls screened RADSAPE RNP | Cee eeeome covered vithcame kin ani fly on oonerete slab 6! x 32", 2" thick. Walls screened on interler side. Electric wiring, cutlets and lightingfixtures, & DIST A wood TON BUILDING jing 20' x 32° x 8* eave height on reinforeed concrete foundation with concrete floar 6" thicke Alumimm roofing and elunimm siding on three sides, fourth side opene Electric wiring, outlista and lighting fixtures. Bullding area 640 SF, cubic content 5,120 CF PIT LATRINE A wood frame. budlding 516" x Gte79 x 6'~89 eave height with plywoed floor on timber slespers. Shed roof Plywood siding and metal ssreening, electric wiring, outlet and lighting fixture. Building area 36S¥, cuble content240CF FIELD SHOWER AND WASH’ ROOM A wood frame building 74-08 x 89034 x 7%-68 eave height on2 reinforced econerets foundation with conerete floar 3h thick. Shed roof covered with alumimm roofing, Plywood siding and metal screening. Shower area lined Ss with 76 SF ef flexboards Plumbing far showers and lavatories. Electric wiring, outlets and lighting fixturene_, budlding area. 58 SF, cubic content 435 Fe CARE covered with alamimm roofing. oe Shed roof and. sides covered with plyvoode Plywood louvres at rear ends Electric wiring, outlets and light~ ing fixtures ‘Bullding area G4 SP, cubis content 512 Cie BEST COPY AVAILABLE Ate Aw _ PUMP House . ( - A yood frame tailding 3? x 8' x 8* eave height on reinforced ocnerete foundation with concrete floor 34" thieke ~ « We Pacific Southwest Region Reproduced from the holdings of the National. Archives “pee TSatfrase coveredwath cannes akinext Ply on ocncteteslab 16¢ x32%, 2" thick. Walls screoned an Saterlanside, Blestrte, vinings oublote apt Highline Sixtareve ~ -