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anti-aircraft use of atomic weapons and the fall-out effects to be

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This study might be made by Rand, or preferably by the DOD

jointly with the AEC,

It was agreed that such a study would be desirable

but that further discussion should precede any recommendationby the GAC
on the matter,



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Interest was expressed in the prospects for defensive measures
against submarine~launched atomic weapons,

might be expected,

A two hundred-mile missile

The problen ‘was to detect the‘submarines there are

promising developments in detection methods. It is very difficult to
detect the missile, and we do not now know how to defend agains* inter-

continental rockets,

In any case the possibilities of atomic weapons in

defense against airplanes should be thoroughlyexplored,
The Commission had asked the GAC to comment on a suggestion that the


Brookhaven National Laboratorybe devoted entirely to unclassified |
research, in order to provide a suitable’‘location where |‘uncleared
foreigners could participate in the research program, “Dr. Rabi said it
was his impression that present restrictions on alien ‘participation in
unclassified research stemmed more from fear of adverse public relations

than from genuine security considerations.


The Committee felt that the suggestion about BNL was in general not
a good idea.

It would be a real loss to the AEC not to ‘have the classi-~

fied investigations now in progress there and nct to beable to call on
BNL for help on other classified problems in the future.

Also the rove

would tend to isolate the Laboratory from the Commission's program, could
have the effect of weakening the Laboratory's position, and might cause
discontent within BNL or in other of the Commission's laboratories,

Select target paragraph3