



* (March 31, 1954)
The Coumittee met in executive session at 9:30 a.m,

the Socretary, and Mr. Tomei were present,


All menbers,


The Chairman drew attention to the echedule (Appendix A) and agenda

for the meeting.



att ve

He informed the Committee of the sccegoultest shots of

(yield U, megatons, expected 2-8) anAEG101459. 5 negatons).” “These
results could be expected to have a tremendous Smpact, both technically
and economically, on the Commission's program. "The fall-out from the

Ema: raised very serious problens,


The GAC had been asked to consider the report of a Committee to

Study the Nevada Proving Grounds. ’ The report recomended certain
specific limitations on the size and number of shots which could be
fired there.

Dr. Rabi had already referred Mr, Nichols to the Committee


statement of February 10, 1953 on the importance ‘of‘the test programs
and the need to increase our weapon testing capabilities,


Dr. Rabi said that, accordingto Rand's early report on the Gabriel
project, fall-out was expected to be particularly troublesome with the
Tefensmaller weapons, This led to a discussion of the possible use of large
sive Air
numbers of small bombs for air defense, and the fall-out hazards which

this would entail. Dr. Fisk said that the defensive battle should be
fought many miles from populous centers (200-500 miles), and repeatedly
emphasized the importance of this concept of the remote air battle.
There was some discussion of the need for evaluating this concept, and it
‘was suggested that the Committee recommend that a study be made on the

Select target paragraph3