It is our belief that the experience of industry is

pertinent — that as total scale of operation is increased
and made more diversified, more money must be spent on
research to insure continued progress.

The overall scale

of operation of the AEC has been increased; the diversity

of operations has been increased; and important new
research facilities, requiring substantialbudgets for
their full use, “have ‘been furnished.

We urge ‘the:oe

Commission to make every effort to have ‘the research . .

_-bucget fully restored."
(Secretary's Note:


Two copies of the statement were transmitted to the

General Manager on April 2, 195h, for his use in| attempts to get the

budget restored.)

(Appendix C, item 3a)

OES geet

The Committee had considered whether it should prepare a@ more

elaborate statement containing quantitative research budget comparisons
with industry and also justifications of Nfringe",“Basie research by

specific examples,

It decided not to do so at this time, .

The Committee felt that a specific comment should be addressed to the


Commission on the subject of the ONR-AEC Joint Program.

The attrition of

the longevity funds, which were now being used by the Navy to keep the
program going, was considered very unfortunate.

A previously expressed

sentiment to the effect that it would be more worthwhile for the AEC to
support this program than the construction of new Linear accelerators for
heavy ions was reiterated (Dr. Libby and Dr. Wigner).

It was agreed to

make a statement of regret that the GAC saw no plans on the part of the A=


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Select target paragraph3