

-25Dr. Rabi went on to say that the policy as expressed soened satisfactory, but that the applications of the policy had left something to be
desired, He then quoted from a letter which Dr. Goudamit of BNL had
written to exprese his personal view on the situation, ‘In this letter
Dr. Goudsmit referred to the great benefits, to the laboratories and to
. the AEC, of having foreigners participate in the unclassified research
programs; and he drew attention to difficulties which had been experience:

in making arrangements with the AEC for such participation, The difficulties were in the nature of refusals in some cases, “but were predomnantly that the AEC delayed its answers to requests for approval for very
extended periods of time,
General Manager.

Dr, Rabi had given a copy of the letter to the

Brookhaven had had a nunber of requests pending for

months for permission for aliens to engage in unclassified work (in most
cases without compensation, and on a temporary basis) «

had been received,

No word at all

Dr, Wigner said that requests should certainly
not go

unanswered for six months, and he felt the GAC should go on record to

that effect,

(Appendix C, item 3d)

The next subject considered was the House cut in the FY55 budget of

the Research Division.

Dr. Warner had prepared a statement on this

subject, which was read to the Committee.

This statement was adopted t7
the Committee as an expression of its position, After some slight subsequent modifications, the staterent read as follows. DOE ARCHIVES
"The GAC is seriously concerned over the disadvantage to
the AEC program of the prospective cut in the budget


requested by the Commission for support of basic research.

Select target paragraph3