


the rockets on Sally and Wilma were leunched, but the obscuring cloud
cover prevented observation of their trajectories,

The rockets on Mary

did not launch and later inspection showed that one launcher was inoperative, one elevated without rotating and two elevated and rotated.

Two nose

cones from the Sally rockets were recovered by boat 2nd the others were .

The closures on the cones recovered were intactbut water had

leaked in,

There was a small emountof activity in the water 2nd on the

filter and the filter sample was returned to the Zl for analysis,

It was

identified by the name Whiskey 6 (see Table B. 3).
6 samples were taken from the cloud at times between 1-1/2 hours

and 26 hours post sbot time {see Table B3),

Both the wing tank and the

coincident samplers were operative on cach flights
In preparing the height line flight program for this shot, it was intended that 1 WB-50 would collect 1000 foot samples at 4, 6, 8, 10 and

12 hours with a second WB-50 standing by on the ground to tzke over the
mission, if necessary,

No sampling flight was scheduled for D # 1 day.

The first aircraft encountered fallout at H ¢ 4 hours on a bezring of 320
degrees ata distznce of 42 miles from surface zero and a sample was


Due to deposition of damp fallout material on the nose of the 2ir-

craft, z dose of 1,5 r, (read on an electronic integrating dosimeter) was |
accumulated at the bombardier's position during the sempling run,



Select target paragraph3