the propulsion unit, ejection of the parachute, closure of the sampling section
and activation of the radio beacon.

The parachute system consisted of a pilot

chute, a pilot chute shroud cutter and the main canopy.

The pilot chute was

withdrawn from its compartment when the propulsion section was jettisoned,
but remained attached by shrouds to the nose section until the latter had
slowed down to a speed which would not cause damage to the main canopy.
At this time the shrouds were cut and the main canopy was withdrawn from
the nose section by the pilot chute shrouds, which were attached toa bag

containing the large pzrachute,

The front closure of the sampling unit,

made by a ball joint, and the aft closure, consisting of a cone and "O-ring"

seal, were closed after sampling,

The radio beacon was activated at launch

time so that search craft equipped with radio direction finders could locate
the nose sections,
Figure 2.1 shows 2 complete rocket on a launcher.

Part Ais the

primary motor, Part B the sustainer mector, Part C the parzchute compartment, Part D the electronics compartment and Part E the zir sampling nose

Figure 2.2 gives the important dimensions of the diffaser-and filter

in the air sampling nose section,

Figure 2.3 is a view of a battery of six

rockets assembled for firing.


Aircraft-Borne Samplers.

Three different types of equipment were

Select target paragraph3