mation of Sr °.


Measurements have been made to determine the existing

levels at the saxrth's surface, the quantity stored in the stratcsphere, ind
the deposition rate,

Samples of fallout have been t1ken from the soil and

vegetation, by gummed tipe and pot-type collectors on the grovnd,ard by
2ir-filter samplers at the surface and in the tropcesphers and etrstosphere
(References &, 23, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45).
Based on this work, it was estimated in the fall of 1956 that the
Sr?? levels were about22 me /mi* in the midwestern section of the United
States, 15-17 me/mi* for similar latitudes elacewhere and perhaps 3-4

mc/mi® for the rest of the world (References38, 39},

The totzl &.mount

in the stretcspheric reservoir, if uniformly distributed over the azea of
th: glche, would increase these figures by about 12 me/mi*,

The deposi-

tion rate of the stored material was considered to be around 10% per

It was further estimzted that if these levelz were maintiined for

fifteen years the concentration in the human sksleton would Es atcut 1%
of the maximum permissible (Reference 24},
The quintity ci radioactivity in the storage reservoir was esti-

mited by summation ef the contributions of all the bursts thrcugh Opsration



REDWING which have deposited debris in the stratosphere,

Ths available

fraction ef the weapon wis determined by subtracting the lccsl 2nd intermediate fallout from the total,

The intermediate:

filleut is tho:ght to

Select target paragraph3