


The primary objective of the project was to estimate the partition of
Sr?9 and C5137 between the local and long-range fallout formed by megaton-

range nuclear detonations over land and water surfaces.

A secondary

objective was to determine the spatial distribution of radioactivity (and
particles) in the nuclear clouds a few minutes after stabilization.

It was

planned to achieve these objectives by radiochemical analyses and particle
size measurements on the following types of samples:

Samples of the particles and radioactive gases present in the upper

portions of the clouds to be collected by high flying aircraft.

Samples of the particulate matter in the clouds to be collected along

nearly vertical flight paths, at several different distances from the cloud

axis, by rocket-propelled sampling devices,

Samples of the fallout to be collected at an altitude of 1,000 feet

by low-flying aircraft,
The project participated in a megéton shot (Koa) fired over a coral

island, afsepeTryshot (Walnut) fired from a barge in deep water,and a 9-MT
shot (Oak) fired over a coral reef in shallow water.

The aircraft sampling

program was generally successful, and fairly complete sets of both cloud
and fallout samples were collected on each shot.

The rocket program was

unsuccessful due to a variety of equipment

Select target paragraph3