










currents in the rising air,

Some of the large particles will be heavy exough

s0 thst they will have a net downward velocity even though the cloud 2s a
whole iz moving upward,

They will coztribute to the falicut in the immedi- —

/During this time, volatile fissicn produc
ate vicinity of ground zero (Reference 20),may be fractiorzted from lees volatile
fission products by a kind of "fractional distillation" process within the hot cloud
Once the upward motion kuz ceaged, the particles in the cloud will
begin to settle cut at rates determined by their denaity, dimensions and

shapes and by the viscosity and density of the 2ir (Reference Zl),


terminzl velocities for small spheres can be accurately calculated when
the dependence of the drag coefficient cn Reyneid's nuinber is known,


regular or angular particles will fell more slowly then spheres of the came
weight, but their velocities camnct be estimzted as well due to uncertzinty

in the shape factors (Reference 22),
The particles which mzke up the lec] fallout fsllow traiccterzits to

the surface governed by their fall rates aad by the mean wind vector between
their points of origin in the cloud and the greund level.

Locaticns can be

specified by reference to 2 surface coordinate system mide up of height

lines and size lines,

The height lines are the losi ef the points of erri-

val of all particles originating at given heights on the axis of the cloud,
The size lines connect the arrivel points of particles of the same size
from different 2ltitudes,

Time and spice varizticn cf the winds will change

the magnitude znd direction of the mein wind vector and verticel rncticns

Select target paragraph3