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are in the offing for another United Nations conference in 1958.
International Commission on_
Radiation Protection ~~
Radiation Protection,

Dr. Failla spoke on the recent activities
of the International Commission on

In this connection he mentioned that he was on

the NAS genetic panel with Dr. Glass and their discussions had been in
terms of a dose for occupational exposure up to the age of 30 or thereabouts.

Dr. Faille said that the International Commission was recommending
"that up to the age

of 30 the accumulated dose to the gonads should net

exccec 50r, without however, changing in any way the present weekly doses.
So that for a certein period of time, people can be exposed at a higher
rate than would be indicated by the 50r.

Therefore, this would not in-

convenience or interfere with any work that is being carried out at a
higher rate in exceptional cases,

For the total lifetime dose, a figure

of 200r was recommended, which actually means that an increase in the
accumulated dose at the rate of 5 rocntrens per year is considered to

be the permissible rate,"
Dr. Warren said that we arc advancing our knowledge very fast ycar
by year,

The levels have been changed every few years in the past.

They happen always to have been changed downward,

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He said that it is

Select target paragraph3