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Remarks byDr. Failla

The Chairman commonted on tho question of burial

~sites for the Jispesal cf radicactivc material, whether they should 5c
uncer the jurisciction cf either the Federal Government or the states.

He asked "if something eculdn't be initinted to start some sort <f a

"It is ccsirable to have these burial sites under permanent
If you sllow the industrial concerns or incividuals to contre.

then, they may change their occupation or business and the next thing
you know, the sit«

is used for somcthing else, and the cispersal cf

radioactive material is not controlled at all."
Dr, Jcstern replicd that he didn't know whether any legislation woul.
be necessary or net,

He stated that there are under preparation regulate

which essentially prehibit the burial of a large quantity of radioactive
material cxcept in such sites,

Dr, Failla once again asked if it should be done on the state level

or the federal?

br. Western answered that he personally would be flac

to see it on the state level,

Dr, Failla believed that that would be

International Congressof


Dr, Failla reported that the International
Congress on Radiobiology is planning to

hold a conference in all probability in the United States in 1958,


mentioned this is in connection with seeking information whether plans
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