taking broad samplings at the bottom cf the ocean and we are sponsoring
rocket flights to the stratosphere,
Dr, Dunham brought out that the Division had tc rush through an

emergency allocation of funds in the amonnt of $75,000 before thc
Cherokee shct,

The discussions on the research program ended at 4:hO P.M. and
the Committce took a recess until Sunday, May 27, at 9:00 A.M.

Sunday, May 27, 1956

9200 A.B,
The Chairman reconvened the meeting for the second day of the
SesSion and asked for any discussion on the research projects that had
been approved by the Division since the last meeting.
Research Projects

Dr, Glass inquired if there was some kind cf 4

breakdown in between the summary cf contract acticns which just givcs
biology, medicine, biophysics ani so on and the individual prcgress
Dr. Shilling replica that there is an effort being made at the
present time tc categcrize the projects and he expleined how the procedure

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