that Dr. Dunham and he had talked with Dr, Libby to scek his advice
on whether the Division should go into an oceanography program and

Dr. Libby said "by all means go into it."
Dr, Failla male reference to the Sunshine Project ~ stating that
it has acquired great importance in the minds of the Ccmmission because
of public relaticns, etc,

"It is perhaps being run es a crash program,"

He emphasized that what he hac in mind was to re-oxamine the prcject
and "sec what actually we want to find cut in a hurry, and then to let

the other things progress sicwly and in the natural course cf events."
Dr. Claus raised the question cf lack of sufficient personnel to
handlic these programs.

Mr, Tammaro inquired whether the personnel for the Division had
been raised?
Dr. Dunham responded "not yet."
Mr, Tammaro remarked that he thought probably something could be
done about increasing the eciling for personnel in the Division,

Mr. Brown commented that since he hed joined the Division in 1951,
that we now have programs at both poles arcund the world, and we are


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