and Medicine, Reactor Development and Organization and Personnel would
be better coordinated,

Fiscal Report

Mr. Stanwood summarized the budget estimates of the

Division for fiscal year, 1958.

He informed the Committee that in

1956, we had an operating budget of $29.2 million; in 1957, $31.5 millicr.
an increase of slightly cver two million dollars,

In 1958, after a

complete analysis of all reouircements, it was decided that the Division

would need $36.1 million or an increase of $4.6 million,

This will in-

clude a substantial expansion of the medical program, a large increasc
at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, fulfillment of the ABCC program
and roughly a million dollars in wage increases and new programs.


million is included for the proposed training program, which is now up
as a policy question,

In connection with the discussion on the budget increase, Dr, Warren
pointed out that one of the "hardest things to do is to get across the
faet that you cannot stcp up the reactor program, you cannot step up
weapons programs, without the necessary backup in biology and medicine,
I think that the logical approach is to make the same percentage increase in the foundation programs that are made in the programs in the
reactor and weapons fields,

Neither of those can progress safely cr

with any degree of surety unless they are adequately supported from
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