policy so profoundly and goes to the attitudes of the whole population

_of people, we can't afford to be indulging in small economies, either in
time or money."
Dr. Bugher stated further that he didn!t feel that the effort that
goes into this problem, taking the whole thing, is at all incommensurate

with the magnitude of the
national policy.

prcblem, and the implication cf thet in cur

A further discussicn of the Project Sunshine took

place in the Exccutive Session,

Remarks by Mr. Tammaro
him for being present,

The Chairman welcomed Mr, Tammaro am thanked
He asked him if he would like to say a few

words to the Committee,

Mr, Tammaro responded by speaking of the fellowship and training


He said that the Commission has $5 million dolars to be spent

for education and training in 1957,

He explaincd that under the present

AE Act we cannot assist universities to build research reactors, however,
if the prcposed legislation as recommended is approved, the Commission
will be able to assist universitics to obtain training and research

In this connection, Mr, Tammaro mentioned that plans are being
formulated whereby the training programs of the Divisions of Biology


Select target paragraph3