
Supply Section for providing rad-safe supplies and laundry services

(facilities furnished by TG 7.5).


Decontamination Section for operating facilities for personnel and


Instrument Repair Section for maintaining rad-safe instruments.
Laboratory Section for determining the amount of radioactivity in

equipment decontamination.

soi] and water samples.

The Task Unit headquarters consisted of CTU-7, a photodosimetry
officer, a supply supervisor, and an administrative clerk. All photodosimetry
work was controlled directly by CTU-7 through the photodosimetry officer,
thus relieving the atoll commanders of responsibility for the legal dosimetry
records. This arrangement was necessary because of the requirement to |
maintain, in many cases, duplicate dosimetry records at Bikini and Eniwetok,
since many of the technical personnel participated in missions at both atolis.
Under normal operating conditions the Eniwetok organization strength
was 65; that at Bikini, 50. All supply problems were handled through J-4,
located at Eniwetok. The master files of photodosimetry records were maintained at Eniwetok and the film badges issued to members of TG 7.2, TG 7.3,
and TG 7.4 were processed by the Eniwetok Dosimetry and Records Section.
Radiological safety support for TG 7.5 was provided by H&N rad-safe
personnel, who were incorporated into TU-7 during the operational period,
Generally, the group comprised approximately 10 people.

Procurement of Personnel


Personnel for manning TU-7 were procured from the Army, Navy, and
Air Force. The majority (102 officers and enlisted men) came from the
Army, as the entire complement of the U. S. Army First Radiological Safety
Support Unit (the First RSSU), Ft. McClellan, Alabama, was made available

to TG 7.1. Included in this total are two officers (nuclear effects engineers)
requisitioned directly from the Chemical Corps. Eight officers and enlisted

men and thirty civilian trainees were provided by the Navy. The civilians,
employees of the Navy at various shipyards throughout the United States,
were used primarily to operate control points and decontamination centers.

Four Navy enlisted hospital corpsmen provided all radiochemistry services,

normally the counting of water and soil samples. Navy officers were placed
throughout the Task Unit as required. Air Force officers and enlisted men
worked in the Plotting and Briefing Sections and in the Monitoring Sections.
Air Force personnel performed all necessary monitoring functions concerned

with the loading of sample-return aircraft.


Select target paragraph3