r each
optor to

he mist the
2 the
o the

As at

| provided
ial Corps,
vag carely 400

was re-

3.2.1 r

detonated in air over Namu, produced no

contamination at Bikini Atoll. The pre-entry survey, flown at approximately
H+2 hr, showed the entire atoll clear and radiation levels at background.
2: fired on the ground on Eninman, produced
heavy conta
oughout the entire atoll, with the exception of Enyu
Island. Survey results at H+4 hr are shown in Fig. 3.1. The fact that Enyu

was not contaminated was most fortunate as it allowed operations to proceed

from the camp

ashore in a no





fired on a barge off Yurochi, produced heavy

islands of the atoll.

In Fig. 3.2 are shown

survey results at H+4 hr. ‘No delay in recovery operations or preparation
for the next shot was experienced.
as also fired on a barge off Yurochi. H+4
hr survey results are shown in Fig. 3.8. Contamination levels were much
lower than expected and

operations were carried out as scheduled.

was fired on a barge off Yurochi. As with
evelis were quite low and did not interfere with
recovery operations. Survey resul
re shown in Fig. 3.4.
‘was fired on a barge anchored on the
reef west of Yurochi. Contamination was heavy on the northern islands of
the atoll. In contrast to the other barge shots, contamination was also experienced on the atoll's southwestern islands.

See Fig. 3.5 for H+4 hr survey

results, The heavy contamination delayed some of the recovery operations
and also the roll-up operations. Fall-out from the firing of this device contaminated Eniwetok Atoll.

king, howable 3.1


On-Site Fall-out

Very little fall-out was experienced on Enyu Island. On three occasions
fall-out was obs
the background was increased somewhat. Fall-out
rom0c approximately 28 hr after detonation and
or approximately 12 hr. This fall-out was ve
ht, with a
intensity of 12 mr/hr gamma radiation, Fall-out ons
occurred approximately 18 hr after detonation, with peak
gamma intensities

of 22 mr/hr. Very slight fall-out on=
mately 18 hr after firing increased the bac

y approximately 4 mr/hbr.

the fall-out periods following the firing of the
ee exceptionally high activity was observed in

Select target paragraph3