~6contingencies which are listed would begin after the safety tests but the site
preparation in some cases has been started but in most cases requires further


Specific readiness preparations would cost some 3,6 million dollars

in FY 59 and 5.5 additional million in FY 60 with an additional 9 million or so
needed to prepare sites for actual tests once the go ahead for testing is received.

4 of the weapons test listed are called "heavily diagnosed" shots and would require
about 9 months lead time to prepare the diagnostic experiments.

By this letter,

Johnson requests authorization be given to increase the tunnel preparations to

meet the overall readiness program which would begin new construction just about
immediately which would carry over well into 1960.

A 22 June TWX reply from

Starbird to LRL (No. 1041) states "Authorization for the proposed construction
is withheld pending an overall review of the effort at NTIS now underway.
authorized construction will continue until the end of June."


Starbird anticipates

an effort of lesser scope than indicated in the Livermore letter.

A 15 July 59 letter from Teller to Starbird responds to requests for
information and proposals in development of tactical weapons with enhanced nuclear

radiation and what the Livermore program is and might be.

The type of weapon

is defined as that which would have a large radius for radiation kill compared
to that of blast effects |
Teller sets forth the
present lab effort in these areas and what would be required in the way of shift
of personnel from other programs or additional hiring to meet various schedules

for testing and preparation of these devices.

Of interest, he states, "First of

all it should be reiterated, that the most impcrtant factor to insure early
stockpiling of some radiation weapons would be the prompt resumption of nuclear


.. .

For the purpose of this discussion we will assume that testing

Select target paragraph3